Games workshop specialist games website
First Post: Since its winter out, my family has been playing some orky mini games on our snow terrain and that g First Post: How do. Last Post: How do. First Post: My son is keen on this game, very intrigued. Thus far we are deep into Age of Sigmar, multiple armi Last Post: It is affordable. First Post: Glass half full has used a tier maker to give a view on the various teams in a youtube video. First Post: The fellas and I play an online version of mordheim and am currently playing mutiny in marienburg.
While the re First Post: After finding a single model from this game in the basement in my parents house cant even remember i Last Post: Well, perhaps not mag them, but yes, they do give you 6 fronts to the turrets and 2 of each weapon By: FrozenDwarf [ Go to page: 1 , 2 , First Post: Im working on a mini version of Space Crusade.
Using a 3D printer, all the minis were scaled down to Last Post: Oh, I just whipped them up as fast I could. Been thinking about a set of doors though, but nothin Globally all the games Last Post: Exactly.
Also, Im in the middle of printing and painting as much Manowar stuff I can find on the web First Post: So this kind of moved more into an epic 30k thread which is always good. Renamed and repurpose Last Post: Well, you could say that last time i put my revenant on the table the Kreig player i was fighting de By: Jackal90 [ Go to page: 1 , 2 , First Post: So, it looks like I am getting into a new game after all.
Which means I am going to need some inspir Renegade — Hecate First Post: I know the hivewar book has errata, but does it also have the campaigns and stuff from the normal bo Last Post: It is a demo version, slightly different rules than the full game, no campaign has a simplified lin After gettin Last Post: Aha yes sorry about that - missed your original link!
First Post: So Primaris are by far the worse Marine option. What do people think of the following balancing i Last Post: What is the implication of mixing the two types? Other than thematically with regards to the armour First Post: So ignoring the fact they should have Striking Scorpions as an option.
Ways to make the team le Last Post: So ignoring the fact they should have Striking Scorpions as an option. Last Post: Sarge could also parry one stealer die. Enter space hulk bible into google to see a collection of By: mrFickle [ Go to page: 1 , 2 , 3 ]. First Post: Hi all, Finally getting to grips with the kill team 21 system. Quite liking most of it but stil You wont grasp the details just by s First Post: Hi there! Im fairly new to Necromunda and I have a few questions Id love some help with.
Ive been Last Post: I would definitely recommend adding a box of ambots. I bought one as soon as I had the credits and a First Post: Title says it all. Has GW ever stated that they will eventually sell squads like the Krieg individua Ash Waste Nomads : Rules Updated house rules for this gang.
Cutthroats Den - Encampments [part 2] : Rules Housing and locations. Swords of the Unfaithful : Rules Holy relics and weapons. Double Vision : Rules Combining two sets for massive games. Street Bowl : Rules Real men and Amazons dont need a pitch! Dog Fight Scenario : Scenario Pit fighter meets pitbull. Nerviens Tournament : Discussion Tournament report from France. The Ogre Playbook : Rules Tips and Sector Wars [part 2] : Campaign Looking at the potential races involved.
Campaigns of Legend : Campaign Guidelines for setting up a campaign based on the battles of legend series. The Wyrdstone Inventor : Rules Genius or madman?
Add him to your warbands. Sector wars [part 1] : Campaign Building your system and background. Theres a Good Boy : Rules Awwwww! Puppies in your gangs. Vendetta : Rules This time its personal. Blood Bowl, to the death! Hired Gun: Preacher : Rules Burn the heretics New Phenomena : Rules A variety of new hazzards and environmental features for your games. Storm of Chaos : Campaign Representing this pivotal Fantasy campaign with massive armies. The League of Ostermark : Scenarios Warbands battle across farmland.
Yriels Raiders : Rules Craftworld Eldar. The Last Siege : Discussion Report from a massive battle. Hostile Environments : Rules Weather effects in your games.
Raining Fishe : Rules Extreme weather around the city of the damned. Dust Falls : Campaign Scenarios and report from this campaign. Human Playbook : Discussion Advice on fielding a human team. Using Alternative Armies : Rules Adding a personal touch to the official army lists.
Everyones Favourite Runts : Rules Snotling teams Dust Falls : Campaign Background, modelling and scenarios. Soul Theif : Discussion Building a warband for an upcoming campaign. Tales of Stirland : Scenarios Travelling through this Imperial province. Painting Eldar : Hobby Because what Eldar warrior would want to look bad on the battlefield?
Building a Warmaster Ship : Hobby Avast! A vast Galleon. Elf Playbook [part 2] : Discussion Dance into the end zone with Elf tips. Scavvies : Rules Low life, mutated gangs. Necron Tactics : Discussion Reminding the younger races who really owns the stars. Mr Tournament Organiser : Discussion Because someone has to referee these games!
Advice on setting up and running tournaments. Tyranid Tactics : Discussion Evolving the fleet to devour the galaxy. Warmaster Scenario Generator : Rules Adding an extra element to your games to create your game narrative. Environmental Conditions : Rules When even the planets weather conditions are against you. Dust Falls : Campaign Getting starting in this campaign. Holiday Items.
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