Configuracion ftp windows 2003
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Note : At this point you could add structure to your FTP site by creating virtual directories, and this is done in the same way as was described in the previous article for working with web sites. NTFS permissions are always your first line of defense but we can't cover them in detail here. Note that access permissions for FTP sites are much simpler Read and Write only than they are for web sites, and by default only Read permission is enabled, which allows users to download files from your FTP site.
If you allow Write access, users will be able to upload files to the site as well. And of course access permissions and NTFS permissions combine the same way they do for web sites. Like web sites, IP address restrictions can be used to allow or deny access to your site by clients that have a specific IP address, an IP address in a range of addresses, or a specific DNS name.
These restrictions are configured on the Directory Security tab just as they are for web sites, and this was covered in the previous article so we won't discuss them further here. FTP sites also have fewer authentication options than web sites, as can be seen by selecting the Security Accounts tab:. By default Allow anonymous connections is selected, and this is fine for public FTP sites on the Internet but for private FTP sites on a corporate intranet you may want to clear this checkbox to prevent anonymous access to your site.
Clearing this box has the result that your FTP site uses Basic Authentication instead, and users who try to access the site are presented with an authentication dialog box:.
Note that Basic Authentication passes user credentials over the network in clear text so this means FTP sites are inherently insecure they don't support Windows integrated authentication.
So if you're going to deploy a private FTP site on your internal network make sure you close ports 20 and 21 on your firewall to block incoming FTP traffic from external users on the Internet.
From the command-line you can type net stop msftpsvc followed by net start msftpsvc or use iisreset to restart all IIS services. Remember that restarting an FTP site is a last resort as any users currently connected to the site will be disconnected. When an FTP site uses this feature, each user accessing the site has an FTP home directory that is a subdirectory under the root directory for the FTP site, and from the perspective of the user their FTP home directory appears to be the top-level folder of the site.
This means users are prevented from viewing the files in other users' FTP home directories, which has the advantage of providing security for each user's files. Continue with the wizard and be sure to give users both Read and Write permission so they can upload and download files.
Your folder structure should now look like this:. Click Next and enter an administrator account in the domain, the password for this account, and the full name of the domain:. Click Next and confirm the password and complete the wizard in the usual way.
You'll notice that you weren't prompted to specify a root directory for the new FTP site. You could set these environment variables using a logon script and assign the script using Group Policy, but that's beyond the scope of this present article. He has written more than a thousand articles and has authored or been series editor for over 50 books for Microsoft Press and other publishers.
He currently runs an IT content development business in Winnipeg, Canada.