Blood angels the second omnibus download
Science Fiction 40k Fiction. More details. James Swallow books followers. James Swallow is a New York Times, Sunday Times and Amazon 1 bestselling author and scriptwriter, a BAFTA nominee, a former journalist and the award-winning writer of over sixty books, along with scripts for video games, comics, radio and television.
You can also follow James on Twitter at jmswallow for more updates! Search review text. James Swallow's excursions into the 40k universe are always amongst the strangest - not for their content which is typically macabre , but something about his writing style just feels out-of-step with his peers.
He writes them as pretty straight forward action-adventure stuff, but if I could put my finger on why it feels a little different - I'd have to say there's a touch of anime in there. Not in the setting, obviously which, being 40k, are decidedly European , but something about his characters, and his stories.
It's hard to explain - something about the way that the Rafen a divided hero, as all Blood Angels are - constantly at war with his bestial side will confront and defeat the stories' main villains by directly tapping into cosmic power in this case, of his progenitor - a trope very common in a lot of heroic action anime's I've seen. The odd references to Neon Genesis Evangelion in the first volume also allude to the author's interest in that particular medium.
This isn't a complaint, mind, just something that's struck me as I attempt to articulate what it is about Swallow's books that stick out for me. That said, this is pretty standard 40k affair - prose is serviceable, but unremarkable. Characters are largely pretty thin, existing to either move the plot or create conflict within it. That said, there is a certain simplistic enjoyment to be gained from this series if you aren't interested in anything beyond that - and the climax of this particular duology was pleasantly engaging, which surprised me, given the fact that, after the scale of the original pair of novels, these two are decidedly scaled-back.
The stakes are much the same, but less immediate - indeed, after facing near extinction in the first duology, much of these books concern themselves with the consequences of that near-disaster, looking towards the chapter's long-term survival.
All in all, for a time-waster, you could do worse, I suppose. The odd flavour of the story helps give a slight distinguishing mark to an otherwise standard Space Marine series. I kind of wish there was something about it that I could effectively damn, so I could say something more interesting about it - but there isn't.
The book is just there. It is a story about Vampiric Genetically Engineered Super Soldiers fighting their own darker natures and the forces of hell. Take it or leave it. Fabian Scherschel. Redeemed: An interesting short story that connects the events of the last chapter in Rafen's story to the events in the next two books.
It is mostly about Rafen bringing the Spear of Telesto home and also about him being tested. It makes sense to have the character be mistrusted by most of the other Blood Angels at this point and have him redeem himself at least partially before the next sequence of book starts.
All in all, a decent story. Red Fury: The first book of the Omnibus pitches delegations from all of the Blood Angels successor chapters and the Blood Angels themselves against clones created by Fabius Bile. While this is an interesting concept and it was cool to see all these successor chapters especially the Flesh Tearers in action, I nonetheless felt the action could not eclipse the sense of danger and desperation in the last book.
The story was altogether a bit forced and did not feel like a natural progression of events. The book was a fun read overall, but I nonetheless feel it was the weakest in Swallow's Blood Angels saga so far. Heart of Rage: This short story is unconnected to the rest of the Omnibus, telling the story of a squad of Blood Angels boarding a derelict tyranid hive ship. A gripping short story and well worth a read. It is thematically different but breaks up the reading experience nicely. I hope we see Brother Kale again some time.
Black Tide: This is by far the best novel in both Blood Angels omnibuses. Blood Angels Second Omnibus. Short stories and two novels--"Red Fury" and "Black Tide"--feature the Blood Angels Space Marines, warriors who must conscientiously strive to keep their battle fury under control as they try to rebuild their ranks in spite of a traitor. Vertraue niemandem. Marc Dane ist Agent beim Britischen Geheimdienst. Er ist der Typ am Computer, der Technikexperte jenseits der Action.
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