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Here we are fifteen months after the Jacob Blake protests. The trial has been steered towards exoneration by the clearly demented old white man Bruce Schroeder, a judge long known to be a racist. You are not immune.
Schroeder has shown himself ready to help Rittenhouse out of tight spots when under cross-examination. This is a trial with enormous stakes. The Rittenhouse defense is glorification of lawlessness in the name of law and order — a key fascist calling card. In fact, the heroes that night were the people marching for justice in the face of police tear gas and rubber bullets. The heroes were Anthony Huber and JoJo Rosenbaum trying to stop an active shooter aiming his semi-automatic weapon at protesters.
They and at least 12 others died as martyrs in the struggle against racist terror and Trumpian fascism in the summer of A Not Guilty verdict in the Rittenhouse trial will be a green light to the continuation and escalation of that assault in a time when white nationalist fascism is ascending, with the right-wing Supreme Court poised to unleash a gun slaughter coast to coast.
A Not Guilty verdict will amount to a declaration of a state-sanctioned fascist thug war on human rights and racial and social justice advocates from coast to coast. Kyle Rittenhouse must NOT be permitted to get away with fascist murder. One of the head honchos on Rekieta Law about 30 mins ago or so prognosticated that if by the weekend they're still not done, judge might just do that.
If they come out and say they were intimidated by binger pointing a gun at them with finger on trigger, there would be an epic shitshow. Judge Schroeder ruled the prosecutor a doofus and allowed Rittenhouse to disarm the blubbering liar, load his weapon, and position himself defensively on the steps of the courthouse while the verdict was read.
Witnesses claim even the prosecution team was relieved to know Kyle Rittenhouse was out there protecting them. Did Seepee know he was going to be, or would be under surveillance when he joined the Trump campaign? West Michigan has produced some very lackluster Republican Leaders. I think the non white juror is a hispanic dude could be wrong. My moneys on some fat white lady.
Everyone knows I love our Military and our proud Soldiers who have been so horribly disrespected by Joe Biden. America and Michigan needs proven leadership, men and women of the highest integrity, who believe in America First, and who will lead and fight.
The Deep State cannot be beaten without real leaders, and Kevin Rathbun is such a man. He is a three-tour Army combat Veteran from Iraq and Afghanistan. He is a wonderful dad to four great children. His wife Ashley is amazing and a great success in her own right. Kevin Rathbun is the fighter we need in Michigan to uncover voter fraud, and Kevin will have the courage to act on it. War room now : JP claims fbi wb on the crackdown of the fbi on domestic terrorist school board parents.
Many groups and organizations, religious sects, cults and intelligence agencies have obtained versions of the MK technology and have worked diligently to improve it. Human beings are highly suggestible, extremely imitative and profoundly irrational. Deceptions propagated by media, accumulate.
When residual lies are formulated as social dogma, and represented forcefully by media as orthodox reality, we must wholly accept, as good citizens, or entirely reject lies, as immoral fools, traitors, and lunatics do. Perception, not the labels used to describe the nonverbal perceptual process, cannot be divided into simplistic categories such as conscious cognitive and unconscious subliminal.
Conscious and unconscious must be viewed as approximate overlapping states to be viewed on a scale of more-or-less, rather than either or. Perception as it affects the brain and body is totally integrated. All portions of the brain interconnect with all parts of the body. To reiterate: the power of the covert influence tactics, their range and the depth of their reach has been enormously enhanced by the advent of nonlinear networked media technologies.
Proscription of Communist Party, its successors, and subsidiary organizations. The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of , as amended [50 U.
Yes, that is indeed an upgrade of the classic nobody knows why she was posted so much fatty. CourtTV contends this case could end in a hung jury. That would mean a mistrial. Government abandons plan to force academics to disclose overseas political party membership. A move to force thousands of academics to disclose their memberships of overseas political parties has been abandoned by the federal government after push back from university leaders over new foreign interference guidelines.
Universities will instead decide which staff, based on a risk assessment, must disclose their connections to foreign governments, military and intelligence agencies, as well as any financial support they receive for research from other countries.
The new foreign interference guidelines, to be announced by the federal government on Wednesday, reflect heightened concerns within the Coalition about research theft by the Chinese Communist Party and other foreign actors. More than , international student visa holders are stuck overseas, the majority of whom are from China or India. The measures are, in part, a response to revelations by a Human Rights Watch report earlier this year, which documented accounts of Chinese international students being surveilled and harassed by their pro-Beijing classmates.
The guidelines cover a range of areas, including requiring universities to have robust cyber security strategies. However, the final guidelines depart significantly from an earlier draft version that required all academics at every Australian university to disclose their foreign party membership for the past 10 years. It would have captured tens of thousands of academics, including those in low-risk research fields, and applied equally to members of the US Democratic Party and the Chinese Communist Party.
Facebook is now seeing widespread problems across most of Europe. If he rules from bench, then would become a target of a massive Fake News smear campaign. The jury understands the national attention this case is getting. It could go into tomorrow, it could come out in 10 minutes. Local news channel just covered this and added that Sundas is "in the country legally", participating in some kind of program for "gifted musicians".
Protesters gather outside Kenosha Courthouse as jury deliberates Rittenhouse trial. Earlier, National Guard troops began ramping up presence in the area.
Can any anons help? Yea im not percent what the demographics were to be honest. You could very well be right. Either way if ones rouge and I had money on it I would go with some crazy ass white chick.
Maybe i'm just more used to those. Then they drop the whole fucking thing with a stern reprimand or some shit. Smoking area at lunch today…I spot a group of guys standing in the vacant lot behind our building. They look just like these guys. I say out loud "Gee, I wonder what the FBi is doing here"?
Im just glad I wasn't drinking the coffee at the time, Im still laughing…. Don't forget the millions they get from campaigning on the letters they wrote. Not in the article, but on the broadcast some local health 'official' said, "It's perfectly safe to re-vaccinate the children.
The parents of 98 students vaccinated at the school on Nov. Health experts say there are no known side effects in getting a lower-than-recommended dosage. After consulting with county health officials as well as Pfizer, the guidance was to revaccinate the affected children as soon as possible.
The CDC has guidance online as to what patients should do if they are under-dosed. Their recommendation is to repeat the dose immediately if the individual received too little vaccine, either due to too little volume or incorrect dilution. Examples of disciplinary action include issuance of a reprimand, advisory letter, monetary penalty, requirements to obtain additional continuing education, probation with terms and conditions, suspension and revocation of license.
Trump - Endorsement of Kevin Rathbun. Brainwashing the cybernetic spectator: The Ipcress File, s cinematic spectacle and the sciences of mind. The British film The Ipcress File dir. Sidney J. Furie, starr. Keywords: brainwashing, cybernetics, history of film, neuroscience, spectatorship. Stories about brainwashing circulated widely in the United States and beyond as western citizens tried to make sense of new enemies and new forms of warfare that emerged after the Second World War Carruthers, ; Melley, ; Seed, Tracking the history of changing popular beliefs about brainwashing is an admittedly complex undertaking, but the visual imagery surrounding brainwashing seems to have undergone a straightforward transformation.
At first, in the s, representations of brainwashing were inspired by real events that took place in countries ruled by communist parties. By the mids, more fantastic visions of brainwashing became common, and often brainwashing appeared as futuristic, overtly scientific processes that were as incredible as they were entertaining. In such films as The Manchurian Candidate , A Clockwork Orange , The Parallax View and Videodrome , the historian Andreas Killen observes, visual media are themselves depicted as precision tools for conditioning and coercing audiences Killen, Binger might be telegraphing a Not Guilty verdict.
The unethical abusive lawyer is sending out a press release that he wont be doing a press release or interview after the verdict. Trump Communications Director Liz Harrington posted a string of tweets on Tuesday on the criminal conduct by the Wisconsin Election Commission during the presidential election.
The WEC allowed nursing homes across the state to steal votes from dementia patients and elderly adults for Joe Biden. In this first video below Election Commission Official admitted to breaking the law before and after the election. The Wisconsin Election Commission voted to order nursing homes to break election laws during a Zoom meeting that was only posted to the public 1 hour before the vote. As discussed, we've anticipated the Twitter and other social media blackouts.
Per sealed Federal orders, we quickly tracked and reinstated. Chicago is the murder capital of the world. I see you've done well there. Stay home JoJo. If this doesn't signal what I've been saying I don't know what will. Remember how Brennan had dirt in all judges, through the program. Obama and Bidan knew all the info, put him up for SC to control him for the next 20 years. McConnel said no. But Fake Bidan knew the dirt and put him in as AG, reps went along with it because of their stupid fear or not working with Admin.
He personally despises himself and all the mistakes hes made. He doesnt seem like Holder who was willing to break every law possible. Can anyone arrest or prosecute the US AG? Has it ever happened. Is there no way out of this nightmare? I agree! But pussies? I think we will see, why it took so long, when the truth is finally revealed! Am I ready for the whole truth? Bring it! They have to, when [They] finally eaten each other alive to save their head!
Two jurors holding decision up, outright citing backlash, per US Marshal in Kenosha. Jurors worried about media leaking their names. Well, the 3GD is still standing and there's that wife of his back in the 's waiting for him so….
The media began by pushing the Trump-Russia collusion story that originated with the Clinton campaign. They then directed their focus to Trump policy adviser Carter Page, before beginning what would become a prolonged love affair with Steele and his dossier. With the inclusion of the Steele dossier in the Intelligence Community Assessment on alleged Russian election interference, the media began their assault on Donald Trump and his new administration—and they continued that effort for the next four years.
It was an orchestrated conspiracy that was knowingly perpetrated on the American people in an attempt to overturn a duly-elected presidency. So he will be staying quiet so as not to impugn himself to be the prosecutor who runs the retrial. Buyer beware. Told him not to do it, for several reasons. He will not take the Jewish Death Jab.
I told him this was coercion, and illegal per the Constitution of the United States of America, and per the Nuremberg Code. Told him, let them fire you, and retain legal counsel, and sue them for wrongful termination. I retired early from the same company 2 years ago, and glad I did. Patriots must wake up.
Decades of exposure to Copaganda. Patriots must see the hard truths before they stop licking boots. Post constitutional America is not safe. He's held hostage by the DS. He personally despises himself………He doesn't seem like Holder. I know people close to me who will have to hear it from MSM to believe it and even then I doubt it. RSBN, reporting live that 2 jurors are holding up decision because they are worried about safety for their families if their names are released or they are doxxed.
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