Srtspx driver

A couple weeks ago, my sound failed on bootup. XP Home, SP3. Hasn't worked since. Here's what I know The volume control disappeared. My Fax controller with voicemail and GOM video player are all complaining about no audio device. They all worked before. If it's a virus, Windows Defender and Norton are both fooled. I'm still worried about that though. Hijacking the audio startup would be a good disguise, although this one would be pretty poorly done.

Can't select a device. I disabled the onboard sound chipset and installed a sound card, same issue, drivers loaded, hardware appears functional, but not started. Went back to onboard audio, reloaded drivers, no help.

I tried running the utility that recovers damaged system files from the install disc. My machine is at SP3, my install disk is older. Do you know how it was installed on your system? Did you install it yourself or did it come bundled with some other software? Is it running smoothly or do you get some error message? Any information that will help to document this file is welcome. Thank you for your contributions. I'm reading all new comments so don't hesitate to post a question about the file.

If I don't have the answer perhaps another user can help you. Vendor and version information [? Product version Digital signatures [?

Hashes [? What will you do with srtspx. To help other users, please let us know what you will do with srtspx. A lot of clean up utilities are out there, why not use one of them? I must rely on people, like you, who know much more about Computers than I. Like most, you guys have strong opinions on what is good or bad, right or wrong, useful or not useful so it is hard to sift through the cloud of opinion to what will work best for me.

I truly admire those of you who know so much about computing, I find it hard to not try it all. You dont delete anything untill you know exactly what you are deleting and the consequence of any such delete. The Device is listed in the Windows Device Manager hidden device list. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question 3.

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