Pro e wf5 tutorials pdf

Note that constraints are enforced. Select the Intent Edges from list for two loops from intersection of extrusion and the base model, OK. Change the round radii to 0. Select the extrude feature just created in the Model Tree or in the graphics window, RMB Dynamic Edit, select 3D drag handle where the cursor points as shown below. Move the entire feature towards the hole, review the dynamic changes. LMB on the graphic window to exit the dynamic edit. Drag the dim R.

Click OK to accept the result and we will fix the fails later on, review the failed features highlighted in the Model Tree. Select Done , confirm, review the resolved features. You can preview the UDF geometry as it is being placed on the model, and also can see an immediate display of changes in variable dimensions and even specify additional rotations about the placement coordinate system.

Drag the two green placement handles to specify the location references. Drag the location handle and move, review the immediate udpates. Select Options, Adjustments tabs to review options, select , toggle off Csys Display. Model properties, such as materials, units, and accuracy, are located on a common Model Properties dialog box.

This new dialog box also contains information on relations and parameters used in the model. File, Properties, review all options of Model Properties 2. Window, Close 4. File, Erase, Not Displayed. This tutorial will show some the new features and enhancements to assist in the design of cast and molded parts including geometry patterns, the new trajectory rib feature and enhancements to draft check analysis.

Select Hole 1 in the Model Tree, Pattern. In the next step, it may be helpful to change the smart filter to Geometry. Edit, Geometry Pattern.

Select Shape tab and enter 1 for the draft value, and 0. This tutorial will show how to use some of the new functionality introduced for sheet metal part design and use the new Welding user interface to connect a welded subassembly. This portion of the tutorial will show the user how to pattern a flat wall, mirror selections, and apply a reinforcement form to complete a sheet metal part.

This makes it much easier to find a model from a large directory. LMB pick the Flat 8 feature as shown. Edit, Pattern 5. Flip the pattern direction 7. Set the member spacing to Select from the dashboard or MMB Edit, Mirror Select from the dashboard or MMB. Insert, Shape, Punch Form Tool Select the placement tab check the Add rotation about first axis and enter degrees Enter for the offset value from the first reference and for the second reference. Ensure the yellow direction arrow is facing down or LMB the arrow.

RMB Edit Definition Select the Relief tab from the dashboard Check the Define each side separately box Set the relief for side one as Obround Set the relief for side two as Rectangular. Window, Close This portion of the tutorial will show the user how to leverage the new user interface to place multiple sets of fillet welds, apply material properties, combine annotations, and easily change the weld definition.

Application, Welding 3. Insert, Weld, Fillet Weld or select 4. RMB Side 2 6. Change the Weld Leg Length D to 12 RMB New Set RMB Side 1. Change the Weld Geometry Type back to Surface Select Define for Weld Material Toggle on Annotation Display Ensure Both Sides is selected.

Change the selection filter from Smart to Annotation. LMB pick the weld value of 12 in the annotation. RMB Value enter 8 Select or MMB Edit, Regenerate Window, Close. In the dialog box type frame for the simplified representation name,. The dialog box and columns can be resized to simplify identification of desired objects. Selecting the checkbox will activate the default rule. Copy From Existing, Browse, template.

ASM Model Tree 2 switch to Layer Tree. Select to return to the Model Tree. Explode Animation and Edit Position 21B. PRT, grab and U U. PRT, grab and hold drag handle and move as shown below,.

RMB, Uncheck Explode. Select Close from dialog box 9. This tutorial will show how to set up one of the new mechanism connections for enhanced machine simulation, then setup, run, and analyze the results of a structural analysis of a model using Mechanica. View, View Manager or select , double click Belts simplified rep, Close.

Application, Mechanism 4. Insert, Belts or select 5. Click and drag the white drag handle to untwist the third pulley.

Select from the dashboard or MMB 8. View, Orientation, Drag Components or select click and move any of the three pulleys Observe the other pulleys moving through the belt connection. MMB three times to close the drag window This portion of the tutorial will show the user how to reuse a weld feature, automatically generate mid surface shells, work with heterogeneous units, and view the results after running the analysis.

Application, Mechanica 4. Insert, Connection, Weld or Select 5. Select Weld Feature from the Type drop down menu. Select OK 8. Select Start Select Apply from the simulation geometry window.

Select Close Insert, Pin Constraint or select the arrow next to and select Select OK Click Sketch Sketch, Circle, Center and Axis Ellipse or select the arrow next to and select Click with the LMB once to define the center and a second time to define the radius and a third time to finish This ellipse can be approximate. Add a force of N in the X direction and add a moment of in lbf in the Z direction Change the units for force to KN Select the Value.

Select Ok File, New Static Select OK. Select Run Select No for interactive Diagnostics Once analysis has reached the complete status, Analysis, Results or select Select Fringe for display type, and select Stress for the quantity Select OK and Show.

Select Vector for display type and set the quantity to Displacement Select Ok and Show. Window, Swap The new user interface UI is designed to display only those drawing commands which are appropriate for the current task.

Select Layout tab, hold Alt and select the balloon in the drawing. The print preview display considers the current printer configuration to determine line weights and styles, priorities and colors. The preview. Select Publish tab, click Preview , zoom in the plot preview to review what the printed output looks like before sending it to the printer, Close Preview 2. Selectable drawing objects appear in a tree hierarchy, the content of the Drawing Tree varies depending on the tab selected, simplifying the tree.

Objects are highlighted in the graphics window when you select them from the graphics window or the Drawing Tree. Select Show Model Annotations icon on the ribbon, select the thickness in the Front Cross Section view as shown, preview dimensions, check d which stands for the thickness of the part, OK, select the.

Select Show Model Annotations icon, pick model edge as shown below, see the difference in what dimensions appear, Cancel. Select the hole feature in the Top view. Drawing sheets appear as tabs across the bottom of the graphics window.

The new Hole Table automatically includes extrude and revolve cuts in the table. Review the Hole table. You can easily navigate between the combined states of a model without opening the View Manager.

Combined or All states appear as tabs, each with a thumbnail preview, in the graphics window. Move cursor to combined view tabs at the bottom of the graphics window, show the thumbnail preview of combined view. You can create layer visibility states from the View Manager, and you can. Move Annotation to Plane 29B. Select the top surface as showing, review the Z orientation update of the 3D annotation.

Select a point on the top surface to place the annotation. Select Add from the annotation definition dialog box, select Browse… to open defined symbol, double click single, select circareatgt. The PTC Manikin library must be installed correctly to access the manikin specified below. This can be downloaded or ordered from the Technical. Select Insert, Manikin to assemble a Manikin 3. ASM from the population database and select Open. The Manikin is added to your assembly; now move it near the workstation.

Saved View View 2 5. Select the location by clicking on the floor as indicated by the yellow circle below. Select the surface indicated below. The left foot will interfere after initial placement; we will fix this in a moment. This interference allows the manikin to get close enough to the work cell equipment.

MPD posture and Apply. Saved View View 4. Toggle the reach envelopes off; select Manikin, Reach Envelope 6. Saved View View 5. In addition to applying postures to the Manikin, you can manipulate the Manikin into a desired position. You will use 2D drag to move the right hand and arm.

Select Manikin, Manipulate 2. Click the middle of the right hand once and slowly move the mouse upward. When the hand is in place click once, then select Close in the Manikin Motion dialog box. Toggle Point Display on 5. Select Manikin, Reach 6. Select Close in the Manikin Motion dialog box. Now you will have the manikin look at a point in the assembly. Select Manikin, Look At 3. Select Close in the Manikin Motion dialog box 5.

Toggle Display Points points off 6. Vision cones for manikins are available at any time. Toggle the vision cones off; Manikin, Vision Cones 9. Saved View View 6. Toggle the vision window off; select Manikin, Vision Window Saved View View 7 The objective of this analysis is to determine whether it is possible to assemble the PCB into the assembly.

The current assembly process specifies that the bottom screws are to be installed and tightened first. Next, the plug is snapped into holes in the PCB Then the PCB assembly is placed into the assembly and the top screws inserted and tightened.

There should be a minimal gap between the plug and the pan, but an interference condition could prevent the ability to insert the screws into the PCB. Saved View ISO. The Tolerance Analysis Manager dialog box lists all of the existing tolerance analysis measurements in this model.

You can add, edit, and delete tolerance analysis measurements from this dialog box. Select the Add icon in the Tolerance Analysis Manager dialog box. Use Query Select or Pick from List. Redisplaying the Candidate Dimensions During the dimension selection process, the candidate dimensions for the active part are automatically displayed. You can change active parts by clicking a new part.

In that case, click the part from which you need to select dimensions. Now you need to select four dimensions… A. Next, select Based on material properties such as density, these models have mass, volume, surface area and other physical properties such as a center of gravity.

Feature Based. Each feature builds upon the previous feature, creating the model one feature at a time. Individually each feature can be simple, but collectively can form complex parts and assemblies. If a dimension of a feature is changed, that solid feature will update. This change will then automatically propagate through the remaining features in the model, updating the entire part.

When creating a feature, existing features that are referenced become parents to the new feature. This behavior is known as Associativity and also works in reverse- if a model dimension in a drawing is updated, the part model and the assembly it is used in will update. Right Tools. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search.

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