C pdf generator

Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 11 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 1 month ago. Viewed k times. Sven Sven 1, 2 2 gold badges 13 13 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. See Creating pdf files at runtime in c — Matthew Flaschen. I would still suggest iText only because even after paying you dont get nested tables and many features that iText offers. For future references, you may want to check out GemBox.

Document as well. It provides a simple and easy-to-use API, see the document's content model. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. So you may use it for commercial purpose as well — Chris Pdfsharp does to support right-to-left languages — EKanadily. For us, a crucial component was that we could specify the header in Html. This eliminated any wkhtmltopdf wrapper library, since wkhtmltopdf only supports a header as a document or url. Writing the header to a temp file and deleting afterwards smelled too bad for my liking.

If this is not crucial for you, then one of the wrappers for wkhtmltopdf could work very well, DinkToPdf is probably the best bet. IronPdf was one of the few libraries that seemed to completely ignore this style and would split a table row in half at the page break.

This completely ruled out IronPdf for us. Two libraries not mentioned above are HiQPdf and Winnovative. These are both reasonably priced, and in my test use case worked the best. Page headers were simple and css was very well honoured. Have you looked at Puppeteer Sharp? That uses Headless Chromium to fetch your website and create a pdf from it. We are using that with MVC Razor to create pdfs — by simply hosting the pages and pointing puppeteer at it. It may sound like overkill, but when you have set it up, it works fine.

Hello there, what did you come up with at the end? After 2 weeks of searching, I could not find any tool that suits my purposes. You can import it to your project through Nuget.

You can also embed images. Just build a simple web API with. Common NuGet package. We did have to wait for some updates to.

Hope it helps someone, without being a selfless plug. Has anyone tried PdfSharpCore? Can anyone please tell which is the best option for a PDF viewer that toolbar can be customized. My need is to open a PDF file without download option. Mine is a. I kinda miss Crystal Reports, it had issues and quirks, but worked well for labels with a specific fixed layout. Getting that kind of layout correct in html can be tricky. Can confirm that a. NET 5, after several days of trying various solutions.

Core with less than 2, downloads. It ignored any fonts that were in the style sheets and everything was blocky. They then argued profusely with me when I asked them for a refund.

Luckily the reseller MyCommerce quickly supported me and refunded me without delay. So my goto remains Eo. It has its limitations and annoyances, yes. PDF again. And there may be?

But this has actually convinced me to just renew. Docati supports. Net core ans runs on Windows and Linux. It uses Word documents as templates and requires an add-in for Word to edit the templates. The idea behind using Word is that business people can maintain the templates and that Word is a better document design. Thank you for the tutorial.

It also creates PDF documents from scratch. But it supports repeating headers, automatic page numeration, multi-page spread tables and many other automatic layouting options which are not described in your tutorial regarding other libraries.

Not tried it yet myself but it seems to support printing to PDF as well as all the automation things etc and you would get something like the Chromium engine for rendering.

I tried all the options you mentioned and some others in a. But IronPDF does its job by downloading and using chrome or chromium , and there is now a free and open source way to do exactly the same thing, which is to use Puppeteer-Sharp. Did similar research and was disappointed by the lack of good solutions at affordable prices. Diagram Product Family Tasks Product Family OCR Product Family Note Product Family CAD Product Family GIS Product Family ZIP Product Family Page Product Family PSD Product Family OMR Product Family 8.

PUB Product Family SVG Product Family Finance Product Family 3. Drawing Product Family 7.


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