membership database tool

InvalidPassword: lblResult. It must be 7 characters long and have at least 1 special character. Step 6: After creating and executing the code in our web site, next we need to create membership table in ASP.

Right-click on v4. Then my window will appear like the following,. Step 8: By proceeding this process ASP. Here, this is the data in table which we have created. NET membership provider. Next Recommended Reading. Net Core 6. The page might parses the contents of the uploaded XML file and create a new account for each user represented in the XML by calling the CreateUser method. NET ships with a number of Login Web controls. These controls aid in many common user account- and login-related scenarios.

The CreateUserWizard control is one such control that is designed to present a user interface for adding a new user account to the Membership framework. Like many of the other Login-related Web controls, the CreateUserWizard can be used without writing a single line of code.

It intuitively provides a user interface based on the Membership provider's configuration settings and internally calls the Membership class's CreateUser method after the user enters the necessary information and clicks the 'Create User' button.

The CreateUserWizard control is extremely customizable. There are a host of events that fire during various stages of the account creation process. We can create event handlers, as needed, to inject custom logic into the account creation workflow. Furthermore, the CreateUserWizard's appearance is very flexible.

There are a number of properties that define the appearance of the default interface; if necessary, the control can be converted into a template or additional user registration 'steps' may be added. Let's start with a look at using the CreateUserWizard control's default interface and behavior. We'll then explore how to customize the appearance via the control's properties and events. Return to the CreatingUserAccounts. After adding the control, set its ID property to RegisterUser.

As the screen shot in Figure 11 shows, the CreateUserWizard renders an interface with textboxes for the new user's username, password, email address, and security question and answer. Let's take a moment to compare the default user interface generated by the CreateUserWizard control with the interface we created in Step 5. For starters, the CreateUserWizard control allows the visitor to specify both the security question and answer, whereas our manually-created interface used a pre-defined security question.

The CreateUserWizard control's interface also includes validation controls, whereas we had yet to implement validation on our interface's form fields. And the CreateUserWizard control interface includes a 'Confirm Password' textbox along with a CompareValidator to ensure that the text entered the 'Password' and 'Compare Password' textboxes are equal.

What's interesting is that the CreateUserWizard control consults the Membership provider's configuration settings when rendering its user interface. For example, the security question and answer textboxes are only displayed if requiresQuestionAndAnswer is set to True. Likewise, CreateUserWizard automatically adds a RegularExpressionValidator control to ensure that the password strength requirements are met, and sets its ErrorMessage and ValidationExpression properties based on the minRequiredPasswordLength , minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters , and passwordStrengthRegularExpression configuration settings.

The CreateUserWizard control, as its name implies, is derived from the Wizard control. Wizard controls are designed to provide an interface for completing multi-step tasks. The Wizard control initially displays the first WizardStep , along with navigation controls that permit the user to proceed from one step to the next, or to return to previous steps.

As the declarative markup in Figure 11 shows, the CreateUserWizard control's default interface includes two WizardSteps:. The CreateUserWizard's appearance and behavior can be modified by converting either of these steps to templates, or by adding your own WizardSteps. We will look at adding a WizardStep to the registration interface in the Storing Additional User Information tutorial.

Let's see the CreateUserWizard control in action. Visit the CreatingUserAccounts. Start by entering some invalid values into the CreateUserWizard's interface. Try entering a password that doesn't conform to the password strength requirements, or leaving the 'User Name' textbox empty.

The CreateUserWizard will display an appropriate error message. Figure 12 shows the output when attempting to create a user with an insufficiently strong password. Assuming the required fields have been entered and the password's strength is sufficient, the CreateUserWizard will create a new user account through the Membership framework and then display the CompleteWizardStep 's interface see Figure Behind the scenes, the CreateUserWizard calls the Membership.

CreateUser method, just like we did in Step 5. However, at this point clicking it just performs a postback, leaving the visitor on the same page.

The CreateUserWizard can be customized in a variety of ways, through properties, WizardSteps , and event handlers. In this section we will look at how to customize the control's appearance through its properties; the next section looks at extending the control's behavior through event handlers. Virtually all of the text displayed in the CreateUserWizard control's default user interface can be customized through its plethora of properties.

The colors, borders, fonts, and other visual elements are configurable through a host of style properties. The CreateUserWizard control itself has the common Web control style properties — BackColor , BorderStyle , CssClass , Font , and so on — and there are a number of style properties for defining the appearance for particular sections of the CreateUserWizard's interface.

In addition to the appearance-related properties, there are a number of properties that affect the CreateUserWizard control's behavior. If you display the Cancel button, be sure to also set the CancelDestinationPageUrl property, which specifies the page the user is sent to after clicking Cancel. As noted in the previous section, the Continue button in the CompleteWizardStep 's interface causes a postback, but leaves the visitor on the same page.

Figure 14 shows the updated CreateUserWizard when viewed through a browser. When a visitor enters a username, password, email address, and security question and answer and clicks 'Create User,' a new user account is created and the visitor is logged in as that newly created user. Assuming that the person visiting the page is creating a new account for themselves, this is likely the desired behavior. However, you may want to allow Administrators to add new user accounts.

In doing so, the user account would be created, but the Administrator would remain logged in as an Administrator and not as the newly created account. This behavior can be modified through the Boolean LoginCreatedUser property. User accounts in the Membership framework contain an approved flag; users who are not approved are unable to log into the site.

By default, a newly created account is marked as approved, allowing the user to log into the site immediately. It is possible, however, to have new user accounts marked as unapproved. Perhaps you want an Administrator to manually approve new users before they can log in; or maybe you want to verify that the email address entered at signup is valid before permitting a user to log on.

Whatever the case may be, you can have the newly created user account marked as unapproved by setting the CreateUserWizard control's DisableCreatedUser property to True the default is False. If the AutoGeneratePassword property is set to True, the CreateUserWizardStep does not display the 'Password' and 'Confirm Password' textboxes; instead, the newly-created user's password is automatically generated using the Membership class's GeneratePassword method. The GeneratePassword method constructs a password of a specified length and with a sufficient number of non-alphanumeric characters to satisfy the configured password strength requirements.

The MailDefinition property is useful if you want to send an email to the email address specified during the account creation process. The MailDefinition property includes a series of subproperties for defining information about the constructed email message.

These placeholders, if present in the BodyFileName file, will be replaced with the just-created user's name and password. The CreateUserWizard control's MailDefinition property just specifies details about the email message that is sent when a new account is created. Archived Forums. Getting Started with ASP. NET question on a topic that's not covered by one of the other more specific forums - ask it here. Sign in to vote. Can anyone Please suggest me how it can be done?

Tuesday, November 1, AM. See snapshot of connectionstring that will work with ASP. Net configuration. You can execute queries directly against the SQL server database to create users and roles.

See the queries that can be used. You can create any number of applications and each applications can have its own users in the database. You need to mention the same application name in all the related queries. Creating membership based applications is easy and you can use Membership along with form authentication to create user authenticated applications. You've blanked out the server name in one screen-shot, but the connectionStrings image shows the server, database, username and password.

Also, you should never use "sa" to connect to SQL from an application; use integrated authentication, or create a specific SQL user with just the required privileges. I missed it.. I was supposed to clear the connection string part of it. Forgot to do that. I found this is an informative and intrteseing post for I think it is very useful and knowledgeable. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.

I am hoping the same best work from you in the future as well. In fact your creative writing ability has inspired me. Toggle navigation Microsoft K.


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