Advancing quality of eda software
Effective implementation of the quality management system described in this paper has reduced software bugs and defects, produced improvements in meeting commitments, and contributed to the overall increase in customer satisfaction.
Article :. DOI: EasyEDA is a web-based EDA tool suite that enables hardware engineers to design, simulate, share - publicly and privately - and discuss schematics, simulations and printed circuit boards. The developers communicate via gEDA mailing lists, and have participated in the annual "Google Summer of Code" event as a single project.
This collaboration is often referred to as "the gEDA Project". Archived from the original on Retrieved Artwork Conversion Software Inc. Retrieved 4 May Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. POSIX [1]. Windows [1]. SuSE [1]. RHEL [1]. Yes, Spice. External Spice netlist export. Chrome OS as a Web application. Web application [9]. Web application. VLSI circuit design tool with connectivity at all levels.
Can also be used for schematic entry and PCB design. A printed circuit board design program for Microsoft Windows. It is highly internationalized and supports translation for more than ten languages.
Downloads QElectroTech. You can use this tool to synthesize or analyze HDL designs as well as performing complex time analyses. It is a commercial product that comes under a shareware license, which is suitable for small development teams. It supports many high capacity devices and speeds up the overall design process significantly. Download Xilinx Vivado.
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator or QUCS is one of the best free electronic design automation tools for electronic devices manufacturers.
It provides an easy to use graphical interface that makes circuit simulation hassle-free and faster than ever. Moreover, the schematic capture and simulation abilities is also a plus point for chip designers. Features of Quite Universal Circuit Simulator. Download Quite Universal Circuit Simulator. SmartSim is a free yet feature-rich EDA program for digital logic circuit design and their simulation. SmartSim can create complex logic circuits using custom components.
This makes it a viable solution for a large number of electrical device engineers. Download SmartSim. Electric is one of the oldest EDA tools to feature in this list. However, even though it was released almost three decades ago, Electric is still being used by a considerable number of chip designers. This surely speaks of the success this EDA has achieved over these years.
You can use Electric for drawing custom schematics and PCB layouts at ease. Instead of manipulating the polygons on different levels of the wafer, like done by many IC creation tools, Electric views its layout as a connected circuitry. Download Electric. Gnucap is a mixed-signal circuit simulator that runs on virtually any computing platform. The name stands for Gnu Circuit Analysis Package, which is quite self-explanatory itself. It can work with several types of parameters, measures, and design models at ease.
Moreover, Gnucap employs many modern algorithms to improve simulation performance. Download Gnucap. The Falstad Circuit Emulator is a very popular web-based emulator. You can literally emulate any types of circuitry using its web editor. Moreover, this emulator application is developed as a Java-applet but also offers a JavaScript port.
So overall, the Falstad emulator is popular mainly due to its simplistic design yet high accessibility. Features of Falstad Circuit Emulator. Go To Falstad Circuit Emulator.
It has been enjoying growing popularity among academics and open source developers due to its ease of use and significant performance benefits.
Moreover, since it is an opensource project, third-party developers are allowed to fork this for their own projects without any legal issues. Leverage a complete solution for 2. Scale seamlessly from single PCB to systems design, from individual to enterprise Integrate and optimize entire digital processes from spec to manufacturing Deploy advanced model-based systems engineering methodologies Achieve higher productivity and efficiency regardless of product complexity Leverage digital prototypes for higher performance and manufacturability.
Our EDA Services organization has a long history of success helping our customers maximize business impact and technical value from Siemens EDA products.