2626 flash file

In the following tutorial, we present step by step on how to perform such an operation. Please be aware of the consequences and risks that may result from this process. If you need to download a different firmware version for the NOKIA , you should look for the appropriate code in the section Product Codes. You can choose here the firmware that suits to your needs the best by choosing, for example cellular network, country or navigation options.

Toggle navigation. Viewed times. Articles 30 Dec Return to the Main Menu and press [6] for Reboot Switch. Press the space bar once to change No to Yes , then press [Enter] to begin the reboot. NOTE: When you use the menu interface to download a switch software, the new image is always stored in primary flash. Also, using the Reboot Switch command in the Main Menu always reboots the switch from primary flash.

Rebooting the switch from the CLI provides more options. After you reboot the switch, confirm that the software downloaded correctly:. Check the Firmware revision line. Some of the causes of download failures include:.

This may include network problems. One or more of the switch's IP configuration parameters are incorrect. Another console session through either a direct connection to a terminal device or through Telnet was already running when you started the session in which the download was attempted. See "Getting Documentation From the Web".

NOTE: If an error occurs in which normal switch operation cannot be restored, the switch automatically reboots itself, and an appropriate message is displayed after the reboot. Automatically downloads a switch software file to primary or secondary flash. If you do not specify the flash destination, the TFTP download defaults to primary flash.

To download a switch software file named k Execute copy as shown below:. This message means that the image you want to upload will replace the image currently in primary flash. When the switch finishes downloading the software file from the server, it displays this progress message:. When the download finishes, you must reboot the switch to implement the newly downloaded software image. To do so, use one of the following commands:.

Boots from the flash image and startup-config file. A switch covered in this guide with multiple configuration files , also uses the current startup-config file. For more information on these commands, see "Rebooting the Switch" in the Basic Operation Guide for your switch.

To confirm that the software downloaded correctly, execute show system and check the Firmware revision line. For information on primary and secondary flash memory and the boot commands, see "Using Primary and Secondary Flash Image Options" in the Basic Operation Guide for your switch. NOTE: If you use auto-tftp to download a new image in a redundant management system, the active management module downloads the new image to both the active and standby modules.

Rebooting after the auto-tftp process completes reboots the entire system. TFTP is enabled by default on the switch. If TFTP operation has been disabled, you can re-enable it by specifying TFTP client or server functionality with the tftp [client server] command at the global configuration level. Use TFTP server functionality to upload files to other devices on the network.

The no tftp [client server] command does not disable auto-TFTP operation. To disable an auto-TFTP command configured on the switch, use the no auto-tftp command to remove the command entry from the switch's configuration. The auto-tftp command lets you configure the switch to download software automatically from a TFTP server. At switch startup, the auto-TFTP feature automatically downloads a specified software image to the switch from a specified TFTP server and then reboots the switch.

To implement the process, you must first reboot the switch using one of the following methods:. Enter the boot system flash primary command in the CLI. With the default flash boot image set to primary flash the default , enter the boot or the reload command, or cycle the power to the switch. To reset the boot image to primary flash, use boot set-default flash primary.

By default, auto-TFTP is disabled. This command configures the switch to automatically download the specified software file from the TFTP server at the specified IP address.

The file is downloaded into primary flash memory at switch startup; the switch then automatically reboots from primary flash. The no form of the command disables auto-TFTP operation by deleting the auto-tftp entry from the startup configuration.

The no auto-tftp command does not affect the current TFTP-enabled configuration on the switch. However, entering the ip ssh filetransfer command automatically disables both auto-tftp and tftp operation. For some situations you may want to use a secure method to issue commands or copy files to the switch.

Most of these are freeware and may be downloaded without cost or licensing from the internet. There are differences in the way these clients work, so be sure you also download the documentation. As described earlier in this chapter you can use a TFTP client on the administrator workstation to update software images. You can also roll out new software images with automated scripts that make it easier to upgrade multiple switches simultaneously and securely.

Certain commands are not allowed by the SFTP server on the switch, such as those that create files or folders. If you try to issue commands such as create or remove using SFTP, the switch server returns an error message. A request from either the client or the switch or both using SSH v1 generates an error message. The actual text of the error message differs, depending on the client software in use. Some examples are:.

SCP is used to copy files to and from the switch when security is required. Open an SSH tunnel between your computer and the switch if you have not already done so. Execute ip ssh filetransfer to enable secure file transfer. Open an SSH session as you normally would to establish a secure encrypted tunnel between your computer and the switch. Please note that this is a one-time procedure for new switches or connections.

If you have already done it once you should not need to do it a second time. To enable secure file transfer on the switch once you have an SSH session established between the switch and your computer , open a terminal window and enter the following command:.

Attempting to do so generates an "inconsistent value" message. You can then open your third-party software client application to begin using the SCP or SFTP commands to safely transfer files or issue commands to the switch. Depending on the client software in use, you will receive an error message on the originating console, for Example:.

Switch memory allows up to ten public keys. There is a delay when SFTP is copying an image onto the switch, and although the command prompt returns in a couple of seconds, the switch may take approximately a minute and half writing the image to flash. You can keep entering the show flash command to see when the copy is complete and the flash is updated.

You can also check the log for an entry similar to the following:. When an SFTP client connects, the switch provides a file system displaying all of its available files and folders. No file or directory creation is permitted by the user. Files may be only uploaded or downloaded, according to the permissions mask.

All of the necessary files the switch needs are already in place on the switch. You do not need to nor can you create new files. All files have read-write permission. Several SFTP commands, such as create or remove , are not allowed and return an error message. The switch displays the following files:. You can verify secure file transfer operations by checking the switch's event log, or by viewing the error messages sent by the switch that most SCP and SFTP clients print out on their console.

NOTE: Messages that are sent by the switch to the client depend on the client software in use to display them on the user console.

If an ssh connection is broken at the wrong moment for instance, the link goes away or spanning tree brings down the link , a fatal exception occurs on the switch. If this happens, the switch gracefully exits the session and produces an Event Log message indicating the cause of failure. NOTE: The Bad file number is from the system error value and may differ depending on the cause of the failure.

In the third Example:, the device file to read was closed as the device read was about to occur. Depending on the client software in use, the following error message may appear on the client console:. This next Example: shows the error message that may appear on the client console if a new SCP or SFTP session is started from a client before the previous client session has been closed the switch requires approximately ten seconds to timeout the previous session :.

If a second session is initiated For example, an SFTP session is running and then an SCP session is attempted , the following error message may appear on the client console:. For information on connecting a PC as a terminal and running the switch console interface, see the Installation and Getting Started Guide you received with the switch.

The switch software is stored on a disk drive in the PC. The terminal emulator you are using includes the Xmodem binary transfer feature. Press enter and then initiate Xmodem transfer from the attached computer Press [Enter] and then execute the terminal emulator commands to begin Xmodem binary transfer. Click on Transfer , then Send File.

In the Protocol field, select Xmodem. Click on the [Send] button. The download then commences. It can take several minutes, depending on the baud rate set in the switch and in your terminal emulator. After the primary flash memory has been updated with the new software, you must reboot the switch to implement the newly downloaded software.

You then see the following prompt:. Downloads a software file to primary or secondary flash. If you do not specify the flash destination, the Xmodem download defaults to primary flash. To download a switch software file named E Execute the terminal emulator commands to begin the Xmodem transfer. For example, using HyperTerminal:. The download can take several minutes, depending on the baud rate used in the transfer.

When the download finishes, you must reboot the switch to implement the newly downloaded software. It should show the software version that you downloaded in the preceding steps. Copy commands that used either tftp or xmodem now include an additional option for usb as a source or destination for file transfers. Operating rules and restrictions on USB usage are:.

For devices with multiple partitions, only the first partition is supported. Devices with secure partitions are not supported.


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