Winctrl exe
It depends on how the game accesses your keys. Yes it will. Right now if you remap A to B on English US keyboard and then change the language setting to French, typing A on the French keyboard Q on the English US physical keyboard would result in B , this is consistent with how Windows handles multilingual input.
The typical use case here is a laptop and an external keyboard is connected. Keyboard Manager lists mappings for all known physical keyboard buttons. Some of these mappings may not be available on your keyboard as there may not be a physical key that it corresponds to.
For instance, the Start App 1 option shown below is only available on keyboards that physically have a Start App 1 key. Trying to map to and from this key on a keyboard that does not support the Start App 1 key will result in undefined behavior. If you have tried to remap a key or shortcut and are having trouble, it could be one of the following issues:.
Run As Admin: Remapping will not work on an app or window if that window is running in administrator elevated mode and PowerToys is not running as administrator.
Try running PowerToys as an administrator. Not Intercepting Keys: Keyboard Manger intercepts keyboard hooks to remap your keys. Some apps that also do this can interfere with Keyboard Manager. To fix this, go to the settings and disable then re-enable Keyboard Manager. Caps light indicator not toggling correctly.
Remaps not working for FancyZones and Shortcut Guide. Remapping keys like Win, Ctrl, Alt or Shift may break gestures and some special buttons. See the list of open keyboard manager issues. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Is this page helpful? Please rate your experience Yes No. Any additional feedback? Important There are some shortcut keys that are reserved for the operating system and cannot be replaced.
The Fn function key cannot be remapped in most cases. Pause will only send a single keydown event. So mapping it against the backspace key, for instance, and pressing and holding will only delete a single character. Game Bar can be disabled in Windows Settings. Important Key remapping will be maintained even if the remapped key is used inside another shortcut.
Important Shortcut remapping will be maintained even if the remapped key is used inside another shortcut. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. I built the script as "Run-on-demand", which means I recommend that you use an applauncher to launch it. I am afraid my own applauncher script gets steadely delayed all the time, but I will gladly present it to you when it's releaseable.
Notify etc. Well, well, a challenge I take First, with "Out of ideas" I don't mean I am literally out of ideas although I sometimes am that too , but rather that I am out of touch of where I want to continue the development of the script. Which way do I want to take? I have now decided to make the script pretty wide in functionability, and extend the "Positions" part of it, making it good for positioning too.
For this script, I will not rely on hotkeys to trigger things, but might add it as an option later. Storing stuff in the script - nah. Ultimate goal is usually distribution in binary form.
I have added some pretty nice functions now, such as Click-through of course , indicators of current state, and modification of Positions, including both manual resize and "max-width", "align:left" buttons etc. However, I will not post the script now as I deem it to be too buggy. Ideas are still appreciated though, how do you want to control your windows? One idea I myself have is to make presets, including an option of combining diffent effects into a "standard", such as "X position, Transparent, Clickthrough".
Have you ever tried NiftyWindows? It seems to me that all 3 of us are re-inventing the wheel. I'm not reinventing the wheel, I'm making a motorcycle. If You! Nimda : Me and Nimda are currently working on a joint project based off WinCtrl, so no more updates will be in for this script yet. We will keep ya updated. Great work As for you, dear reader, I mostly wish feedback at the moment. Keep up the good work. Thanks j[]hn! We have been working on the the successor for far too long now, but there's always stuff to add.
We are hoping to release it asap. Functionwise, we got this at the moment, with a GUI that lets one add direct hotkeys to the menu choices, aswell as disable unwanted choices. I think we'll finalize what we got before adding new features, but "Always focus" should be added, sure. I'm a poker player and I'm already using your script for table arranging. I normally have 10 table windows on 2 monitors, I have set positions for them and use the menu to put the table in a desired place 1 to This works life charm but I'd like more.