Ugc sixth pay updates

How can seniority be affected by "Redesignation"? Before that B was holding the post of Lecturer since October Later in May his University has appointed two more readers who were already Readers in PG colleges from Interestingly these two candidates also appear in the earlier selection commitee where A was selected and they were rejected.

Now they will get associate professorship from the date they join A's University In fact they will get it from 1. Clearly, A is bound to loose his seniority over these two teachers. The University has conducted the selection committee in A's subject and he got it from the date of eligibility that is October B was unfortunate. University is yet to conduct selection committee in his department.

Now he will become Associate Professor from 1. In view of above the clause 2 a ix of MHRD notification is ambiguous in this regard. A person can become senior by "promotion" and not by "Redesignation". This "Redesignation Scheme" may create a problem in future and in any court of law as it violates the well established principle of seniority in service Jurisprudence. It does not matter whether one has 3 year experience or 30 years. I am getting Lecturer Selection- Grade Rs. My basic pay on was Rs.

I had completed at least 3 years in this grade on I am without Ph. How will my pay-fixation be done per new revised pay-scales? What will my new designation become? According to the notificaton, 'incumbent Readers and Lecturers Selection Grade who have completed 3 years in the current pay scale of Rs. Dear Anu Ji, Thank you very much for answering my query! Now, please tell me:How will my pay-fixation be on considering my basic pay as Rs.

What will family-norm pay become per new revised pay-scale? Now, please tell me: How will my pay-fixation be on considering my basic pay as Rs. What will small- family norms benefit become per new revised pay-scale? January 10, P. Total Basic Pay, 2. All other allowances- small- family norms benefit included shall be at par with those accepted by the Central Government for Central Government employees on the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission and shall be applicable from 1.

Dear Anu Ji, Thanks a lot for giving me very important information! With regards, Yours sincerely, Y. Sharma Dated: January 10, Time: P. I am putting a query on behalf of my senior colleagues Readers in my Department. They were getting basic pay Rs.

Some of my junior colleagues became Readers on or after and thus completed 5 years in Reader grade,viz. As per new revised pay-scale in PB-4, all of these senior and junior colleagues will get their basic pay fixed as Rs. This is strange and sounds like injustice to teachers who are academically stronger and have been working as Readers for past years. Please clarify this anomalous situation.

Thanking you and with regards, Yours sincerely, Y. Sharma Dated: January 11, Time: A. Hi Rinku, I liked the way u calculated the fixation. Can u also tell what could be the tentative take home salary of a new entrant? Thank you very much for giving me detailed knowledge regarding fixation of pay in PB-4! I i issued on 31st December for pay revision of Teachers in Colleges and Universities has few anomalies.

The Notification outlays the details of Pay Bands and promotional avenues and other minutiae, it also is evident in hosting anomalies, and unjustified regulations leading to further anomalies.

Assistant Professor AGP 2. Assistant Professor AGP 3. Assistant Professor AGP 4. Pay Band allocation: 2. Professor AGP ?

If the Principals in the same pay scale as mentioned above are directly placed in PB IV what is the justification of stipulating the rider of 3 years for AP ? What will be the fixation of a directly recruited Associate Professor of JNU with less than 3 year experience? Evidently, qualification and pre-revised pay scale for a directly recruited JNU associate professor and a directly recruited DU reader are same. A Reader is senior to Lecturer SG as per existing rules.

Is this not violative of set norms of seniority as per Service Jurisprudence? In continuation to this it is again stated in xii of the Notification that xii Assistant Professors completing 3 years of teaching in the AGP of Rs.

This anomalous condition reflects the callous attitude of the department concerned about the higher education.

Suggestion: 1. Anomaly: 1. There are UG Colleges spread widely in India where the posts of Associate Professors either or not sanctioned or do not exist at all. Thereby Equals are treated as unequal and hence a clear-cut anomaly in concern to Article 14 of Constitution of India.

Modifications made by the VI Central Pay Commission as notified by the Government may be adopted for teachers as well. TA rules admissible to central Government employees wherein all those with grade pay of Rs. UGC to negotiate with leading medical insurance companies to get a better all India deal. UGC should once again negotiate with leading insurance companies to get a better deal for all institutions. Resources earned to be in the following manner:.

This arrangement should work for five years thereafter it should be reviewed in view of future developments. The age of superannuation of all college and university teachers throughout India to be 65 years. In the interest of students Individual teachers should however be allowed to continue as contract teachers till the end of academic session. Teachers may be reemployed selectively after superannuation on contract basis upto the age of 70 years.

UGC should take up the matter of restoring triple benefit scheme for teachers employed after with the Central Government. The revised rates of family pension to the family of the deceased employee- minimum of Rs. Additional quantum of pension to senior pensioners and family pensioners should be allowed as notified by the Government of India.

The upper limit of gratuity to be paid to teachers should be revised to Rs. Ten lakhs from present three and half lakhs as has been done for central Government employees by the government of India. Circumstances Justifying Compensation Amount of No. Compensation 1 Death occurring due to accidents in the course of Rs. UGC to review the implementation in the fifth year for the additional assistance. All recommendations to be implemented in toto as a package with effect from 1.

All bans on recruitment of teachers imposed by states should be lifted immediately and UGC should monitor this situation. UGC to make special efforts from attracting persons from socially challenged sections to teaching. Teachers should be appointed on contract only if absolutely necessary and their qualifications and procedure of selection should be the same as for a regularly appointed teachers. The fixed emoluments to be paid per month to a teacher on contracts should not be less than the monthly gross salary of a regularly appointed teacher.

However, those who possess a Ph. Those possessing M. The UGC should draw up exhaustive lists of experts in each subject and put them up on their website. It should be incumbent on institutions holding selections to include at least one of the subject experts on the selection committee from this list.

Positions of Professor should be sanctioned for direct recruitment in colleges for disciplines which have post graduate teaching.

There should be at least one post of Professor in each of these disciplines where there is post graduate teaching. The basic qualifications and the procedure for selection of Post of Professor in colleges shall be the same as for the post of Professor in a university department, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor or his nominee. A new position of Associate Professor should be created as a third avenue for promotion for college teachers under CAS. A new position of Senior Professor should be created in the universities for promotion of Professors.

For College teachers, greater emphasis should be laid on class room teaching, holding tutorials, conducting examinations and evaluating answer scripts and less on research work while considering their cases for promotion under CAS.

The duration of leave admissible to teachers under FIP for pursuing a Ph. Also restricting such leave up to the age of 45 years should be removed.

A teacher in a university or a college should be entitled to study leave for a span of two years to pursue an approved research project. Both university and college teachers should be entitled to Sabbatical leave which should be available to any teacher for a year after six years of teaching or for a semester after three years of teaching.

There should be no bar on a teacher getting both sabbatical and study leave against approved research projects. A teacher must spend five hours everyday for five days in a week in the institution for teaching, holding tutorials, guiding research or carrying out co- curricular activities.

The practice of dual workload—one for directly appointed teachers and another for promoted teachers—in a particular category is abolished. All teachers in a category should carry out the same workload prescribed for their category. UGC must make large scale inputs to improve the infrastructure and support services for teaching and research in institutions, particularly in post graduate colleges. The assessment should be made once a year and should be made available to the teacher concerned.

UGC should evolve parameters relevant to universities and colleges respectively for carrying out such evaluations uniformally throughout the country. Librarians and Directors of Physical Education. The state Universities would also face the brunt of the new directions of the UGC. Around teachers are likely to be affected by the new direction of the Commission in Uttarakhand alone. These directions may prove of great importance for educational reform. Further strategy would be determined after getting directions from government.

Till now, no letter has been received by Technical University. New address would have caused the delay. However, all the state governments have been directed to employ only 10 percent of the total seats on contract basis. It has also suggested new incentives, including study trips abroad and better research facilities, to discourage the faculty from joining private companies. The report was submitted to the human resource ministry HRD recently.

It said research facilities and study trips abroad were some such ways to make teaching at the technical institutions attractive. The committee submitted its report after referring to both the Sixth Pay Commission and the Chadha Committee on salary hikes for university and college teachers. The Chadha Committee had recommended a 70 per cent hike in pay for college teachers. The report was submitted to the HRD ministry last year, but is yet to be implemented. But we found it had bungled up in a major way in preparing the pay structures.

So, we had to take it over from them and prepare it ourselves," a source at the ministry said. He added it was in the final stages and in all likelihood would be placed before the finance ministry within a week. University and college teachers had resorted to strikes last year, protesting the delay in submission of the Chadha Committee's report.


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