Time convertor software
Like TimeAnd Date and EasyTZ, daylight savings will be taken into account for conversion and you can convert past and future dates and times as well. Want to plan and schedule online conferences or international meetings? Try World Time Buddy. It detects your home location automatically , gives you time zone conversion at a glance, and lets you share your converted time via Gmail or Google Calendar.
Time buddy also has a an Android app. Timezone Converter is one for Firefox browser users. It can calculate the time difference between a few places all right from the corner of your browser.
Beats having to open up a new tab just to figure the time difference out. TimePal is another free iOS app that allows you to plan a cross-border meet-up. Just set a date and time for a meeting and share it with your co-workers in other countries. They will receive the time in their respective local times and dates. Category Travel. This app can Microsoft. Permissions info. Installation Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.
Language supported English United States. Publisher Info Timezone Converter support. Additional terms Terms of transaction. Seizure warnings Photosensitive seizure warning. Report this product Report this app to Microsoft Thanks for reporting your concern. Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this app to Microsoft. Report this app to Microsoft. Report this app to Microsoft Potential violation Offensive content Child exploitation Malware or virus Privacy concerns Misleading app Poor performance.
They are 15 degrees of longitude wide to account for the distance of the rotation per hour. Because of the spherical shape of the Earth, the time zones are not the same distance apart. They are the widest near the equator and zero at the North and South poles.
The imaginary beginning of the time zone map is in Greenwich, a suburb in London that sits atop longitude zero. But why is this important? Having 24 different time zones on Earth means that wherever in the world you are, noon is the middle of the day when the sun is the highest while midnight is the middle of the night. However, those times will not occur simultaneously in all parts of the world.
Just as the sun is setting in London, it will be rising over your friends in Auckland. How come? In addition to different time zones and different time offsets around the globe, exact time also depends on whether the particular country or region observes the daylight saving time or not. Daylight saving time is a system used to make use of the daylight hours during the summer months: in countries that observe the DST, clocks are moved forward in spring usually by one hour so that people can enjoy more hours of sunlight.
In the fall, the clocks are moved back an hour to account for shorter days. Daylight saving time was first introduced in wartime Germany in an effort to save energy, and its use quickly spread around the world. Currently, over 70 countries around the world observe daylight saving time changes, although not everybody is happy about it: Europeans and Americans in particular wish the DST to be abolished, as recent surveys suggest.
Once again, to avoid confusion, the time zone converter tool is the simplest solution: it automatically adjusts for DST differences and gives you an instant result.
Knowing your time zones is essential if you work or communicate with people around the world — but it can also be fun.