Quick abs workout program
Bring knees to the same height as hips, thighs parallel to the floor. Try not to lean back. Stay on the balls of your feet and alternate legs as quickly as possible. Lie faceup with arms at your sides, palms facing the floor. Bend knees so hips and knees form degree angles. Engage core. Activate lower abs to lift hips off the floor, bringing knees toward chest.
Lower back down to starting position as slowly as possible to keep your lower abs engaged. Start in high plank position with core tight and hands directly under shoulders. Keep core engaged to stabilize hips as you drive right knee toward chest. Return right leg to starting position, then repeat with left leg. Continue alternating legs to pump knees as fast as possible. Lie faceup with arms straight out to sides so your body forms a T and legs extended. Without lifting head or shoulders off the floor, lower both legs to the right, as close to the floor as you can get without losing form.
Reverse the movement to lower both legs to the left. Continue to alternate like — you guessed it — windshield wipers.
Stand with feet together, elbows bent, palms facing up. Reverse the movement and repeat as fast as you can. Start in high plank position with hands directly under shoulders. Engage core and lift hips high as you jump your straight legs forward. At this point, your body should look like an upside-down V. If hamstrings are too tight to fully extend legs, keep a slight bend in knees. Jump back to starting position.
Lie faceup with arms at your sides. Engage core and sit up. Raise right hand and left leg simultaneously. Touch right fingertips to left toes. Return to starting position and repeat with the opposite hand and leg. Finish strong with an isometric hold. This is the perfect time. We will need to clean up your diet , and fix your nutritional approach to getting a impressive six pack.
First up is the diet. Keep carbs constant until your abs are truly ready to be seen, then a quick cut will rip out the final drops of water. Increase your protein to an additional g per day and amino acid intake to g per day of supplementation; do this while increasing your veggie intake, so that you can get your calorie count where it needs to be to shed the excess poundage.
To reduce excess water weight, add natural diuretic-based products that have dandelion and green tea extract and uva ursi and cranberry. Also, make sure to hit a fat burner that cooperates with your gut, and keep tabs on your indulgences. Lastly, eat several smaller meals each day to maintain fuel and curb appetite. Keep your energy up while dropping stubborn fat with our clean-eating menu.
For training, you need to set a serious pace for when you hit the gym. Start serious volume short-rest training by laying a smackdown on your muscles. Building mass comes at the price of getting lean, so maintenance and permanent pump will be the strategy—the results will be worth it. When it comes to abs, slow and steady wins the race. Give yourself at least a 4-count per rep on your abs. So why so much chest, back, and arms work? We hate spam! Your email address will never be sold or shared with anyone.
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